You Were Born to Win – Now What?

by Gina Parris

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” –Zig Ziglar

Whether your “game” is athletic, financial or personal, you can be built up to win it.  It takes planning, preparation and expectation.

If you look at your life right now, the results you have in every area reflect this. Your level of skill, your income, your relationships all demonstrate how much preparation to made and the beliefs you put in to them.

But where do you want to be just 90 or 100 days from now?

How do you play to win? This is a perfect time to start anew.

1. Get crystal clear on the result you really want. Instead of focusing on one isolated area like your goal weight, ask yourself, “What do I want my LIFE to look like?”

Then start drilling down to the parts that make up that life.

2. Write down potential actions that would move you closer to that result.

This is the time to narrow your focus on 1 area at a time. Start with the most pressing desire – and brainstorm the actions that would make your dreams a reality.

3. Circle the actions you are willing to take right now that would have the greatest payoff.  Instead of getting overwhelmed – just choose the very next steps that you can take.

4. Commit 100% to taking that action. Commitment has power in it. When you choose to act based on commitment, than pretty soon desire wells up and taking the right action becomes easier.

5. Choose to never quit. Make up your mind that with God’s help, you will do everything it takes to be who you were created to be. As you move forward your vision will become clearer and your next steps will become easier. But only if you start and keep going!

I believe in you. So until next time –

Keep playing to win and enjoy your game.


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