
Photo credit: Grafixar from Last week we talked about how to be happy with your self. This is the most important key to loving other people, having successful relationships and just being nice to have around. The key is to first be happy inside without expecting other people to MAKE you happy. But what […]


Have you ever been frustrated and wondered how to recapture your dreams? I sure have. I think most of us get frustrated once in a while. Every time I think about extreme frustration, I remember a day in high school when a friend of mine shared his exasperation… It was Springtime of my senior year […]


Has Anyone Seen My Husband – I Think I Just Had Twins by Gina Parris “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  -Albert Einstein  Has it ever struck you as amazing the way that you can […]


In the field of peak performance, I think most people understand that if we can truly believe something, we can see it come to pass. There is no power greater than the power of belief. Still, so often many of us struggle beneath our potential, wondering why we miss the mark. Why do our goals […]


Is attitude really all it's cracked up to be? In my field as a motivator, I have certainly heard my share of speeches about attitude. I've heard speakers holler about how our altitude is determined by our attitude, and It's not our I.Q. that matters, but our "I will." I've told my children at times […]