How to Soar When Your Dreams Have Crashed

by Gina Parris


Have you ever been frustrated and wondered how to recapture your dreams? I sure have. I think most of us get frustrated once in a while. Every time I think about extreme frustration, I remember a day in high school when a friend of mine shared his exasperation…

It was Springtime of my senior year of high school. Sitting in our cafeteria, I knew that graduation was just a few weeks away, and surely life would get better and better. Suddenly I was joined by my friend Todd. He was the very first friend I had made at that school, four years earlier. It had been awhile since we’d actually sat together and talked.

“So Miss Motivation,” he began,

“I’m sure all your dreams are panning out for you. I had a dream once, remember? But you know what the Air Force Academy said about
my dream?”

“No. What?” I asked.

He snickered and with a big gesture like he was wiping the wall replied, “They said, here’s what we think of your dream – and they smeared it all over the wall.”

As he shared his frustration and regrets, I truly felt his pain.  I had totally forgotten about those dreams Todd had of being an Air Force pilot.

So, we talked about other ways to get to make the dream come true.  Attending the Academy is not the only way to have a successful military
or civilian career as a pilot!

As it turned out, he got a full ROTC scholarship to Washington State University, graduated at the top of that class, and had a wonderful career. He loved being a pilot as much as he always thought he would. Along the way he had other huge challenges, as we all do, but today he loves flying for Southwest Airlines and he has a wonderful home life.

Whether you are 18 or 68, your life does not have to be stuck at what looks like the end of a dream. Challenges are part of your success story. Pain is part of the process.
It is never too late to start making your days count.

Start with a crystal clear vision of what you truly desire. When you strip away everyone else’s opinions for you, what do you love to do? What do you want to be?
What difference do you want to make?

Here’s the great part: Through the years, you will have plenty of opportunities to get frustrated, to quit, to feel like a loser! hahaa Yay! (Okay that’s not really the great part.) The great news is that the more you grow to understand your self, the more you overcome the challenges that come, the smaller your problems will appear.

You can do it. Your honest, heart felt desires are part of your hard-wired destiny! You can trust that those desires are good. If you had a dream at one time, that dream can still you move you in a direction for fulfillment and meaning.  So today, focus on what you’d REALLY like to have happen in the next 30 days. Then take just one small step to make it happen. Then – take another!

In the end, that’s where the victory lies, isn’t it?

Until next time, keep playing to win and enjoy your game – wherever you may be on this journey!

I’m in your corner,



P.S. I’m working on a really cool virtual summit called The Built To Win Summit. It will be designed to help parents, coaches & athletes reach their full potential on and off the field. I’ve assembled an All-Star line-up of experts to speak into you and into those you influence. STAY TUNED!



Gina Parris is an international speaker and performance coach. She offers a free mental mastery mini-course at the sidebar on this page. Please check it out and see why people enjoy it so much! And as always, share your comments below!

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Paul T Tran March 18, 2011 at 9:29 am

Great piece of motivation – anybody can be excited and pumped when things are good and in line; but life isn’t always like that. Keep spreading the love and lift-off when we need it most, Gina!


GinaParris March 18, 2011 at 3:49 pm

Thanks Paul! Yea, lets just accept that ALL of it is part of our success story! Bless you.


JohnLusher March 23, 2011 at 6:30 pm

Gina, this is a great reminder of the fact that we CAN reach our goals, but sometimes we have to change the direction we go to get there! Once you decide on the goal, you do not stop because of challenges or set backs, you adjust your course and keep going!! Love it Gina!! Thank you!


GinaParris March 23, 2011 at 7:12 pm

Absolutely, John. I am convinced our goals take us in directions even if the specifics change along the way. Let’s keep going!


Anonymous April 13, 2011 at 12:41 am

I liked this piece Gina – it’s usually the toughest times and disappointments which somehow, become a part of our brightest moments. Thank you for the reminder to focus on the things we really want, and get serious about making progress there one step (one task) at a time.


Strouder31 October 2, 2011 at 12:19 am

Great article! Very motivational and quality content of high value.


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