The New Attitude for Super Success – Try This

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by Gina Parris

Is attitude really all it's cracked up to be?

In my field as a motivator, I have certainly heard my share
of speeches about attitude. I've heard speakers holler about
how our altitude is determined by our attitude, and It's not
our I.Q. that matters, but our "I will." I've told my children at
times that they needed to change their attitude, and Heaven
knows I've told myself so too.

But what is attitude, really?

According to my students dictionary, attitude means "a mood,
a feeling or a way of thinking."

Most of us grow up thinking about our selves. Our attitude is
self-centered and self-preserving. Part of that is instinctive and
necessary for survival.  Often when athletes or other
professionals come to me for performance coaching
they are desperate to reach the next level of their game.
They are aching to keep their job or to make the big money, or
to become famous. It's all about them and their superstardom.
Being inward focused causes you to shrink.

It really doesn't matter though, weather your game is athletic,
financial or personal. One way to play bigger is with an attitude
that says this,

"It's not about me!"

When you realize how important you are to something bigger
than yourself, you become MORE confident.

For my athletes, they start thinking about the fans. If its professional
sports, than they become aware of how expensive it is for a family
to come watch them play. They realize that their job is to give the
fans a reason to cheer and celebrate something. It's a chance to
help the fans forget their boring or desperate lives at home.

For those in business or sales, all manipulation can end. We can
be free to serve, knowing that when we deliver what our customers
truly want and need, than we will be rewarded. There's no need to
strive in a place of neediness. Instead we focus on what we can give.

Notice I'm not saying to be focused on what others think of YOU.
Just know that putting their needs above your own will somehow
make you happier. It's one of life's paradoxes.
I often say that happiness is that state you feel when you love with
no conditions. This applies to business as well as personal relationships.

That kind of love comes from God and drives out fear. When the
fear is gone and faith prevails, then success is at hand.

Try it. I promise, you are more powerful than you think.

Please share your thoughts below.

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

lisamariemary January 20, 2011 at 6:35 pm

Awesome, Gina! Great video! And…..



GinaParris January 20, 2011 at 6:49 pm

Thanks Lisa-Girl! But I think it IS about you!


Anonymous January 31, 2011 at 1:23 am

Thank you Gina for a unique insight to our attitude and how to apply that to our business. Very inspiring and will be sharing with others. I really enjoy your blog.


GinaParris January 31, 2011 at 1:43 am

Thank you so much! I’m thrilled that you stopped by. Do get on the mailing list too for your free mini-course!


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