Going Fearless – Enlarging Your Self-Image

by Gina Parris

Enlarging Your Self-Image


"It's impossible to consistently act in a way that is inconsistent with the way you see your self." -Zig Ziglar

What is your self-image and how can you change it? Learning this is a big key to Going Fearless and achieving your goals.

Zig Ziglar tells the story of visiting a prison one day with a friend of his who played major league baseball. The inmates seemed especially interested in the ball player, and finally one of them asked, "HOW did you end up playing professional baseball?"

The athlete thought for a moment and said something like, "Well I guess it started when I was a boy. I'd play catch with my dad and he would yell, 'Great throw Son. If you keep throwing like that, you'll end up in the Major Leagues some day!'  Eventually he said it so much that I think I believed it." He was describing his self-image.

The room was quiet as the inmates thought sadly about what they just heard. Finally one man spoke up and said what many were thinking,

"Gee, my dad only told me that I'd never amount to ANYTHING."

Ending up in jail certainly fulfilled that man's self-image too.

We mentioned last week that your self-image is formed as a result of everything you ever heard and saw and said, and believed up until now.   When you are a child the impact is the strongest.  When the words and deeds came from those important to you, like your parents, than they had the most power, because you did not question any of them. They just became beliefs that shaped your identity. Often these beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind.

Your subconscious is ultimately, just trying to protect you.

Your subconscious mind helps to keep you "safe," by triggering signs of danger, so you can take the right action. This subconscious mind does not know the difference between, truth and non-truth, real or imagined, past, present or future. In  this huge majority of your mind, everything is right now, and all it's beliefs are TRUTH.

For the young baseball player his repeated experiences built a strong self-image. He saw himself as loved, secure, and able to play major league baseball. His dad said so, so it must be the truth. For the inmates, many had a self-image of failure, for the same reason.

You have a self-image that was formed in a similar way as well. Whether you are confident, or timid, full of belief or doubts, those thoughts, beliefs and emotions are lodged right in your cells.

Here are some steps towards change:

1. Acknowledge your Dis-empowering Beliefs.

It's been said that "It's not what we believe about ourselves that holds us back – but its what we believe we are not."

Rather than be angry or run away and hide from your limiting beliefs, acknowledge them. They are a part of you, for better or for worse. Put them into words and then gently question them. You will find yourself open to change and growth.

2. Offer Acceptance and Forgiveness

Make the decision to accept your self just like you are, even with imperfections. You are safe to love and accept yourself and tap into Love that is infinite. Then, choose to forgive anyone who led to your pain. More than likely they were doing the best they knew with the tools they had.

3. Create an empowering Choice

The beauty of being created in the image of God is that you have amazing power of choice. You can not change the past, but you can change the meaning you give to past events, and alter your reality!

You can choose to believe that from now on you are blessed and not cursed. You can choose to love and be loved. You can choose to dream and set goals.  Practice the art of visualizing your new self walking in new power. When you combine new images of your self, than your self-image changes. Through the power of vision, emotion and repetition, you can change deeply.

How To Build On the Empowering Choice

Put it in pictures – literally!

Ever since I was little I would cut out pictures from magazines of images that reinforced my desired results. This is powerful. It triggers your mind to find ways to bring it to pass. Feed your imagination. Today there is great software that even lets you do this in video with great music!

Add Emotion:

The images must be at least somewhat believable and make you feel good to have an impact.

Practice living as though all your goals were accomplished now. 

Do not wait another minute. Simply start acting like you already were that person you hope to be. Carry yourself as you would, speak as you would, make decisions from that place. It will change you!

I also recommend using the tapping technique called the Emotional Freedom technique that helps your body line up with your choice very quickly. I will create more videos on this on this subject, but it is one tool that I use with most all of my clients.

How would your life change if you clearly saw yourself being and doing and having all that you were called to?

I hope you wlll make a point to stretch yourself then, because all things are possible for him who believes, and with God, for sure – ALL things are possible.

If you would like help shifting your limiting beliefs into ones that make you happy, and successful than I hope you will consider working with your own personal coach. If you are interested in working with me, than at least try a 50 minute strategy session for a hugely discounted price of $79. People have called this session "life changing!" Please learn more and sign up at this link:


Until next time –

keep playing hard and enjoy your game!

I'm in your corner,


Gina Parris is an internationally sought after peak performance speaker and coach who is passionate about seeing you reach your full potential. She can be reached through her website at www.BuiltToWinCoaching.com or her blog at www.GinaParris.com












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